I have received a note or two from her throughout the years...she has actually ordered my stationery before, which was probably one of the nicest compliments that I have ever received.
One time, a few years back, my family and I were spending our last night of Spring Break watching Dakota in the movie Dreamer. I just beam whenever I see her because she is such an unbelievable talent to me...I've been a fan since she was a small child. Anyhow, my children are very aware of how wonderful I think she is and the very next day, after watching Dreamer together, I went to work and there was a stationery order on my desk for Dakota Fanning herself! Well....I just couldn't believe it...what are the odds of that?!...we had JUST watched her and "oooohed & goooed" over how fabulous she was the night before! I waited all day until I got home and we were all at the dinner table...I smiled and said to my children, "You will never believe who we got an order from today!" My middle child Annie said, "Dakota Fanning." I asked her "how in the world did you know that?" and she said "because you have the exact same look on your face now as you did when you were watching her in the movie last night!" Well...she's right...I do. I just beam whenever I see her. She is such an amazing, insightful, mature actress. How can she possibly understand, process, interpret and deliver what she does at such a young age...it is just beyond me.
And the fact that she still continues to personally hand-write a letter or thank you note to every one of her fans is extremely admirable. i am so very impressed with how she handles herself...So different from so many young actors these days. (Gosh...I sound old, don't I?)
Anyway, she's just the best and I love how she has remained so down-to-earth. I will always be a fan!